The location is needing to go into Offline mode due to network outage

How to go into Offline Mode

  1. Obtain remote access to the server computer or have the customer go to the server system.

  2. Have a manager log in with their access code into the Admin

  3. Have them click on Misc Credit Card Ops.

    1. Easy way to locate this is to look in the bottom row middle for Print Delayed order, the button will be directly above it

  4. Have the caller choose Force Offline

  5. There will be a legal disclosure informing the customer that these will be run as pre-authorizations in offline mode and there is a potential of a declined card that may occur for the customer to acknowledge to go into offline mode. 

Notes about Offline mode:

  • Some Processors do not allow for offline functionality and this option will not be available for use.
  • If the customer gets a "Invalid SAF" when going offline, they will need to reach out to the credit card processor to correct their offline for next time they are back on.  They will also need to obtain a process from their processor to perform voice authorizations and perform a misc payment to process these transactions or go into cash only.
  • EZ Retail customers
    • They will be unable to use offline mode.

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How to back into Online Mode

  1. Ensure that all transactions tips have been entered.

    1. This will avoid an error stating that an offline tip cannot be entered while in online mode.

  2. Obtain remote access to the server computer or have the customer go to the server system.

  3. Have a manager log in with their access code into the Admin

  4. Have them click on Misc Credit Card Ops.

    1. Easy way to locate this is to look in the bottom row middle for Print Delayed order, the button will be directly above it

  5. Have the caller choose Go back online

  6. Proceed to next section.

Processing Offline Transactions for Legacy MSR Devices

  1. Have an authorized user of your establishment access the EZ Dine application. Enter numeric password and click the Admin button.
  2. If offline Processing is turned on, a Reminder message will display. Click Ok on this message.
  3. If Offline Transactions are present, another message will display. Click OK on this message.
  4. Turn off Force Offline Mode. Click the "Misc. Credit Card Ops" button. Then click the "Go Back Online" button. Click the Done button.
  5. Click the Credit Card Utilities buttons. Note for this button to be enabled display, the user must have the "Credit Card Utility" permission checked under the Mgmt - Special Permissions section.
  6. Enter in the strong password and Click the Continue button to access the Credit Card Utilities. 
  7. Click the Process All Offline Payments button to process offline transactions. 

Note declined or failed transactions will stay in the list. These transactions can be removed by selecting the transaction, and clicking the Void button.

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Processing offline transactions with a PAX EMV device

  • Note when going back online for PAX EMV devices, the Credit Card Operations window will show a dialog box that the system is contacting all the EMV devices, and initializing online mode on all device in the network. 
  • When processing offline transactions with an EMV device, the only option is to Process and Close the Batch. Each EMV device will process and batch transactions stored.

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