A Chip read error is when there is a dirty sensor for the chip sensor. This can be hardware failure as well, but cleaning first is needed.

Step 1: Determine extent of issue

  • Single card only: Issue probably customer card
  • All Cards: Verify error
    • Check if tap to pay works and swipe to pay works
      • If yes, then not hardware failure
      • If fails, determine error messages and see if different issue.

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Step 2: Clean Chip Sensor

  1. Check with the customer if they have credit card machine cleaning cards
    • These are credit card shaped cards treated with alcohol that have been regulated for cleaning the chip reader slot on a credit card machine
    • If the customer does not have cards: escalate for cards to be mailed out.
  2. If Yes, walk through cleaning process
    1. Insert the card into the chip slot
    2. Remove and reinsert multiple times over the course of 10 seconds
    3. Remove
      • If clean, Proceed to next step.
      • If dirty, repeat cleaning with the other end of the card and repeat until comes out clean
    4. Let dry for 10 minutes
    5. Test
      1. If Resolved, close case
      2. If issue persists, proceed to Step 3.

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Step 3: Replace Hardware

  • The hardware is faulty and will need replacement:
    • Obtain the serial number and model of the device.
    • Notes on PAX S300: PAX has entered End of Life support for this model. We will work on trying to refurbish and repair, but there will be delays.  If the customer states this is a main system that gets used a lot. Have them move another unit over to the register and we can set it up there for use while the faulty one can be used in the lesser used station.
  • Escalate with gathered information

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